Barbara Theresa Deans
Barbara Theresa is geboren te Singapore op 2 juli 1934 als dochter van van Robert Andrew Deans en Grace Marie Pennefather. Zij volgde basisonderwijs op het CHIJ te Singapore. Zij zat in het Japanse interneringskamp Sime Road te Singapore en droeg campnumber 1199. Na twee jaar Highschool verliet ze de opleiding en ging werken in een professionele dansgroep. Begin jaren '50 liep ze de Franse miljonair en eigenaar van een aantal hotels in Hanoi en Saigon, Claude Guinet tegen het lijf. Ze verhuisden samen naar Singapore waar Guinet het Princess Hotel Garni aan Orchard Road kocht. Ze kregen samen 2 kinderen. Hun oudste kind werd nog geen jaar. Claude is slachtoffer geworden van een moordpartij. Daders zijn er nooit gevonden. The Straits Times van 28 Juli 1969 bericht daarover het volgende:
Ex-racehorse owner Guinet slain in backlane. Singapore. Sun. A well-known Singapore and Malaysian horse racing personality Mr. Claude Guinet, 45, was found murdered in a backlane behind Prince's Restaurant in Orchard Road early this morning.
Mr Guinet managing director of Prince's had just entered his car parked at the rear at about 3.20 am whem two men suddenly closed in from both sides. There was a brief scuffle and he was fatally stabbed in the lef side of the chest. nMr Guinet died on the way to the hospital.
Barbara trouwde opnieuw met een Amerikaanse account genaamd William (Bill) Richards. Hij werkte bij Robray, een Amerikaans off shore bedrijf met als basis Singapore. Na Bill's pensioen verhuisde het stel naar Los Angeles. Helaas kon Bill maar even genieten. Twee jaar na zijn pensioen werd hij ziek en stierf. Barbara bleef in Los Angeles wonen in de buurt van haar zoon en de twee zoons van Bill's. Zij overleed op 4 juli 2020, oud 86 jaar.
Onder 2 foto's van Barbara Theresa met haar zoon Patrick Guinet (links) en haar echtgenoot William (Bill) Richards (rechts)
Barbara Theresa was born in Singapore on July 2, 1934 as daughter of Robert Andrew Deans and Grace Marie Pennefather. She attended primary education at the CHIJ in Singapore. She was in the Japanese internment camp Sime Road in Singapore and wore camp number 1199. After two years of high school she left school and started working in a professional dance group. In the early 1950s, she ran into the French millionaire and owner of a number of hotels in Hanoi and Saigon, Claude Guinet. They moved together to Singapore where Guinet bought the Princess Hotel Garni on Orchard Road. They had 2 children together. Their oldest child was not yet a year old. Claude has been the victim of a murder spree. Perpetrators have never been found. The Straits Times of July 28, 1969 reports the following:
Ex-racehorse owner Guinet slain in backlane. Singapore. sun. A well-known Singapore and Malaysian horse racing personality Mr. Claude Guinet, 45, was found murdered in a backlane behind Prince's Restaurant in Orchard Road early this morning. Mr Guinet managing director of Prince's had just entered his car parked at the rear at about 3.20 am whem two men suddenly closed in from both sides. There was a brief scuffle and he was fatally stabbed in the guts side of the chest. nMr Guinet died on the way to the hospital.
Barbara remarried to an American account named William (Bill) Richards. He worked at Robray, an American offshore company based in Singapore. After Bill's retirement, the couple moved to Los Angeles. Unfortunately Bill could only enjoy it for a while. Two years after his retirement, he became ill and died. Barbara continued to live in Los Angeles near her son and Bill's two sons. She passed away on July 4, 2020, aged 86.
Below are 2 photos of Barbara Theresa with her son Patrick Guinet (left) and her husband William (Bill) Richards (right)
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