William Young

Vader van Elisabeth Young, echtgenote van Robbert leonardus Brouwer


Bengal Military Orphan Society.  Weeskinderen van britse komaf in de Bengalen. Hier worden de vader en broers van een William Young opgegeven. Blijkbaar was er toen al geen moeder in het spel. Dit zou mogelijk William Young SR kunnen zijn.
Surname   Young    
First Name(s)   Robert (2nd)    
Age on 31 Dec 1798   12 yrs 9 mos    
Date of Admission   7 Apr 1795 (juli 1782?)
Father   Lt. Robt. Young (2Nd)    
Status of Orphan   In the School    
Remarks   Lt. Robt. Young, d. 1795    
Surname   Young    
First Name(s)   William    (WILLIAM YOUNG SR?)
Age on 31 Dec 1798   10 yrs 9 mos (juli 1784?)
Date of Admission   7 Apr 1795    
Father   Lt. Robt. Young (2Nd)    
Status of Orphan   In the School  
Surname   Young    
First Name(s)   M. Charles    
Age on 31 Dec 1798   8 yrs 9 mos (juli 1786?)    
Date of Admission   7 Apr 1795    
Father   Lt. Robt. Young (2Nd)    
Status of Orphan   In the School
Susanna, Christiana en William privately baptized 13 february 1814 Penang, Maleisie (Prince of Wales Island)
The Bengal Obituary:
Calcutta South Park Street Burial Ground (grafsteen)
-Sacred to the memory of Miss Susan Young, daughter of W.Young, Esq. of Batavia who departed this life on the 25th May 1823. Aged 9 years (1814)
-Also Miss Christiana Young, who departed this life on the 5th March 1826 aged 14 years. (1812)
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, even so says the spirit from henceforth they rest from their labours.
FIBIS: Bengal Wills: William Young 1795  Interessante bron om in te lezen al weet ik nog niet hoe
Over de zoon van William Young SR: Reverand William Young JR met bevestiging dat hij in 1811 in Penang is geboren/gedoopt.
Over de zoon van William SR: Andrew William Young (Batavia 1817)
University of Glasgow:
Andrew William Young was born in Batavia, modern day Jakarta, around 1817, son of William, a merchant.
Young enrolled for an Arts course at the University between the years of 1831 and 1836, his classes included Latin and Chemistry.
He worked in the sugar industry on Java, and died there at at Probolinggo around 1893.
Addison, W. Innes, A Roll of the Graduates of the University of Glasgow from 31st December, 1727 to 31st December, 1897, with short biographical notes, Glasgow : J. MacLehose & Sons, 1898.
Charles William Young
Born 6 August 1817 Batavia
Died 6 June 1893.
GU Degree: Arts, 1831-36;
University Link: Student
English snippet: The University’s earliest Indonesian-born student
Record last updated: 13th May 2013
Onderzoek naar Williams kleindochter Catherine Steward Young. William Young SR's zoon William zou geboren zijn in Penang en zijn moeder zou aziatisch zijn. Om die reden wordt hij van zijn functie gehaald omdat hij niet helemaal Europees zou zijn.
Delpher.nl (Krantenberichten..)
Java government gazette 14-11-1812
Mr. W. Young, to be President and first Commissioner of the Court of requests at Batavia
Mr. W. Young to be Adjunct Fiscal to the supreme Court of Justice at Batavia
Java government gazette 18-12-1813
Yesterday morning sailed the Discovery, Captain O'Connor, for Pulo Penang and Calcutta, with a cargo of Planks, -Salt and Pepper. Wm. Young, Esq. went passenger by this opportunity to Prince of' Wales Hand. (Naar penang om zijn kinderen te bezoeken en te laten dopen.)
Java government gazette 16-04-1814
NOTICE> MR. WM. YOUNG having returned to this Settlement, and being nominated in the Will of the late Captain F. Lynch, as one of his Executors; we do hereby make the same known for the information of those who may be concerned. J. FICHAT, R.T. Smith, Batavia, Joint Executors. March 24, 1814 (Zou hij zoon William hebben meegenomen?)
Java government gazette 27-08-1814
NOTICE is hereby given, that on tuesday the 3Oth inslant, will be sold by Public Auction, at the house of Messrs. Timmerman Thyssen and Westerman, at the Anchor Wharf, at ten o'clock, some old iron GUNS of different calibre—at the same time, several Bamboo HOUSES and GROUND, situaled below the Boom, together wilh a Bamboo HOUSE and GROUND, situated in Campong Manga Bazar, the property ot the late Captain F. Lynch— Particulars will be announced at the time of Sale. WM. YOUNG, R.T. SMITH, and J. FICHAT, Batavia, Executors in Java. Aug. 18, 1814
Java government gazette 07-01-1815
W. H. Van Ysseldyk, Esq. to officiaté as President, and Mr. Christiani as Secretary tó the European Orphan Chamber at Batavia. Mr. William Young, to be Vice-President of the European Orphan Chamber. The Secretary to Government and the Sub Treasurer, for the time being, are appointed assisting Members of the European Orphan Chamber.
Java government gazette 02-09-1815
Advertisement: With reference to our Advertisement of the 20th August, 1814, Notice is hereby given, that Mr. William Young, has been this day admitted a member of our firm, and that his interest therein will commence accordingly from this date. Jessen, Trail & CO. Batavia 1st Sept 1815.
Java government gazette 09-09-1815
Married: On thursday evening the 7th instant, by the reverend Professor Ross, William Young, Esq. and advocate Fiscal in the English department, to Miss DeHaart.
Bataviasche courant 31-05-1823
All persons having claims upon the estate of the late Mr. Thomas Fairley, are requested to end them in and those indebted to the said estate to pay them to the undersigned Executors, within the space of one month from this date,  Wm. Young, J. Trail, Wm Buchanan. Batavia 15th May 1823.
Bataviasche courant 09-03-1825
Notice is hereby given that the interest and responsibility of mr. Peter Jessen in the firm of jessen, Trail & Co have ceased, and that Messrs. James Trail and William Young will continue to cary on tyhe business upon their own account, under the name of Trail & Co. Peter jessen, James Trail, William Young. Batavia 1st March 1825.
Bataviasche courant 22-06-1825
ALLE degenen die iets te vorderen mogen hebben van, of verschuldigd zijn aan de nalatenschap van wijlen vrouwe Geertruida Johanna Leembruggen , weduwe wijlen den heer Benjamin Pieter Cornelis de Haart, gelieven daarvan opgave of betaling te doen, binnen zes weken na dato dezer, aan de ondergeteekende testamentaire executeren. W.J. De HAART, W. YOUNG, Batavia , den 15den juni 1825,
Bataviasche courant 24-08-1825
Heden beviel van eene dochter de geliefde huisvrouw van W. Young. Tanabang, den 11den aug. 1825
Bataviasche courant 02-11-1825
Na een langdurige zoekte overleed heden, in den ouderdom van bijna 28 jaren; mijn tedergeliefde echtgenoote Charlotte Geertruida de Haart, mij nalatende vier onnozele wichtjes, die hun onherstelbaar verlies nog niet kunnen beseffen. W. Young. Rijswijk; den 3den november 1825
Died at Ryswyk on Thursday the 3d instant, Mrs Young, after a long and painful illness, deeply regretted by all her friends, and unspeakably so; by those to whom this loss is irreparable
Bataviasche courant 28-02-1827
Getrouwd. William Young, weduwnaar van C.G. de Haart met Jonkvrouwe Johanna Juliana Henrietta de Lannoij Batavia 25 februari 1827


Ik kreeg een bericht van ene Richard Young, nakomeling van William Young (ovl Batavia 1841) Hij zocht naar de ouders van William Young. Via een Engelse onderzoekster van de site fibis.org en heeft hij daar de vraag neergelegd of zij hem verder konden helpen. Zij antwoordde:

I have checked the name index for baptisms in Bengal but I have not found any entries for William Young baptised in 1787 in Dacca. There is a record a William Young baptised in Dinapore on 23/10/1791, son of Samuel, a Private in the 2nd European Regt. (ref. N/1/4/116). As the date of birth is not stated I am not able to confirm or reject the entry. There was a common practice in 18th century India to christen the children few years after the birth.

We hold approximately 70% of ecclesiastical returns from British India, so his registration may not be included in our records. If you know of any of his siblings, it may be worth checking their baptismal records, as they would contain similar information about the parents.

The father's name may be also stated on his marriage records. However we do not hold the records from either Colombo or Batavia (I am assuming they are the possible locations).


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